1910 D.Manuel II 1000 réis (Afinsa 169)
1910 D.Manuel II 1000 réis (Afinsa 169)
AFINSA 169 stamp
falso / forgery


- overall a very rough design. the king is nothing like the original. All the lettering lower than the genuine. Numbers in "1000" irregular, particularly the second "0", which is tilted to the left. On this particular specimen the horizontal lines behind the king do not reach the blue frame on the right side (but the offset may be occasional) and the vertical lines behind the castles and shield are of a much thin pattern than the original.

The cancel dated "1913" might be genuine because by that time monarchy stamps could again circulate without the overprint "REPUBLICA". it seems unlike that such a rough forgery could have circulated, but then again, a forged cancellation would likely bear an earlier date.

An interesting forgery of which only this value was seen. However the fact that the king's bust was printed from a second plate (hence the slight offset) means that the forger intended printing values with different background designs (i.e. 300 reis or below) and thus other values may yet be found.


- desenho grosseiro, muito diferente do original. Os números são irregulares e os textos são em letras mais baixas do que os autênticos. O padrão de linhas atrás dos castelos e escudo é muito mais fino do que o original, com mais linhas por unidade de comprimento. Presumo que o carimbo é falso, mas não tenho a certeza uma vez que em 1913 os selos da monarquia podiam novamente circular sem a sobrecarga.




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Lisboa, Portugal- 2006/07/29
João Manuel Mimoso