MENSAGEM de Fernando Pessoa; Primeira Parte-BRAZÃO
V- O Timbre
Uma Asa do Grypho- D.JOÃO, O SEGUNDO
.Ouça aqui o poema (para estudantes de português) Composição sobre ilustração de Carlos Alberto Santos
Braços cruzados, fita além do mar.
Parece em promontório uma alta serra-
O limite da terra a dominar
O mar que possa haver além da terra.


Seu formidável vulto solitário
Enche de estar presente o mar e o céu
E parece temer o mundo vário
Que ele abra os braços e lhe rasgue o véu.


"parece temer o mundo vário que ele abra os braços e lhe rasgue o véu"- parece temer o mundo perplexo que ele revele os seus mistérios.

.Ouça aqui o poema (para estudantes de português) .
Voltar ao índice de MENSAGEM de Fernando Pessoa
Lisboa, Portugal. Setembro 09, 2003
Revisto Janeiro 13, 2004
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João Manuel Mimoso

English version

An introduction to the poem: King Joao II (or John II) was probably the most influential Portuguese king in terms of world history. He devised and set the objectives that were to persist and direct the Portuguese expansion: the domain over sea routes without (whenever possible) territorial conquest of countries requiring manpower that the country could ill afford; and the reach for the spice lands and particularly for India (Prince Henry before him had started the Age of Discovery but, as far as is known today, never set India as a goal). It was also under John II that the modern concept of exploration was applied: Diogo Cao, Bartolomeu Dias, Pero da Covilha, Duarte Pacheco Pereira and others left Lisbon with the sole intent of gathering information on new lands, winds and populations without any concern of immediate commercial gains.

King Joao the Second

Arms crossed, he stares beyond the sea
Resembling the promontory of a high mountain ridge-
The limit of the land dominating
The sea that may exist beyond the land.


His formidable solitary hulk
Fills with his presence the sea and the sky,
And the bewildered world seems to fear
That he will open his arms and tear away its veil.