

- súmula biográfica

Nasceu em Lisboa em 1933. Iniciou-se como ilustrador em 1947. Em 1970 realizou a sua primeira exposição individual de óleos sobre temas históricos, na Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes. Está representado em colecções em diversos países europeus e nos Estados Unidos.

A par da pintura tem exercido uma intensa actividade como desenhador e ilustrador. Devem-se-lhe colecções de cromos (incluindo "História de Portugal" de 1953 e "Camões" de 1966), selos (séries sobre os descobrimentos portugueses e sobre as naus da carreira da Índia) e inúmeras ilustrações para livros e revistas. 

Carlos Alberto Santos was born in Lisbon in 1933. He started his aprenticeship as publicity illustrator in 1947. Soon he was doing artwork for comic books. In 1953 he completed his best remembered early work: a history of Portugal in 203 illustrations. The resulting book had 17 editions in 20 years. As a graphic artist he illustrated many books and magazines and was also commissioned by the Portuguese Post to do the artwork for two series of stamps.

His first individual exhibition of oil paintings of historical subjects was held at the National Society of Fine Arts in 1970. His work is in private and public collections and museums in Europe and the United States.


Exposições/ Exhibitions (1970-1998)

Carlos Alberto Santos expôs os seus trabalhos em 44 exposições individuais e 50 colectivas, incluindo as listadas abaixo.

The artist presented his oils on 94 instances, including the following individual exhibitions:

  • National Society for Fine Arts, Lisbon, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1976;
  • Faculty Club of the MIT, Boston, 1984;
  • Casa da Saudade Library, New Bedford, 1986;
  • Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge (USA), 1986.

His work is in collections in Portugal, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Brazil, USA, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.

Índice de páginas sobre Carlos Alberto Santos
Índice geral das minhas páginas sobre temas de cultura
João Manuel Mimoso, Lisboa, Portugal- 2004/08/10